Why Can Supervisors Be Dues Paying Members?

You are allowed to drop once you become a supervisor, however, you do not have to drop.

Why stay a member you ask? The list is below. The only thing you lose by being a dues paying manager is representation if you get in trouble.

If you want to drop, I totally understand, just keep in mind we have about 15-20 supervisors that ARE members at this timeā€¦

Benefits of being a member include:

  • 12 movie tickets per year (5$ each) AMC or BB (never expire, ever!)
  • 6 WOF / OOF tickets per year (25$ each) open in April, close 10-28-18
  • 6 Renfest tickets per year ($8 each) open in Sept, close in October
  • 4 Lunch and Learns per year during the day, in the hall of heroes 4 union membership official meetings
  • 2 family events, free or 2-5 dollars per person (we have done worlds of fun and power play in the past)
  • Drawings at every event for door prizes
  • End of year gift, you will receive last years gift when you join.
  • Mavericks, royals, starlight are new in 2023

AFGE cannot represent supervisors if they get into trouble, however, I can attend your meetings and advise and even ask national for advise on your behalf. We offer current member managers discounted tickets, (royals, mavericks, starlight, AMC, WOF, Zoo, Ren Fest) family friendly events, lunches, free college, discounted loans, house, car, travel discounts, AFLAC, life, vision, dental, the list keeps going, but you get the picture.

Supervisors are also not allowed to participate in internal union business, such as budget review, vote or running for elected positions of the local.