Dear AFGE Member,
As we enter our final month of the fiscal year each employee should start thinking about their self evaluation. You can write and submit your self evaluation to your first line supervisor anytime between today and October 15th. Self-evaluations are not mandatory and no one enjoys writing them, however a self-evaluation is the single most important activity a person can do for their supervisor to understand an individual’s view of their work.
Your supervisor is asked to put together an evaluation of the employee, but they don’t know all that you do and accomplish all year long. They are not asking you to tell them your preferred rating, they are asking you to look at the activities you complete and how do they fit within the performance standards that you are assigned. Each year you should also include a section of where you would like to grow for the next year and what element this would fit in.
Self-assessment isn’t just about the metrics, but also about evaluating your role within the department, facility and how all of this interacts with your own growth, career goals and balancing stress. Use the link below to help you with your self evaluation and areas of growth and strengths.
The 8 Self-Assessments You Need to Improve at Work This Year - Harvard Business Review
Amy Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review and the author of the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict at Work.She writes and speaks about workplace dynamics. Follow her on Twitter ...
Key to writing a self-evaluation:
Approach/ communication between you and your supervisor is a key factor.
What is your role in the yearly evaluation and or mid-term evaluation?
- Know your functional statement/ standards
- Know your performance plan
- You are given your performance plan and functional statement when you were hired, and you are also given a copy at your yearly evaluation.
- Participate, don’t wait for your supervisor to come to you.
- Understand your standards
- Ask questions during your mid term
- Ask for training
- Discuss your strengths and weaknesses all year long.
Anything that your supervisor is not aware that you are doing add to your self-evaluation. Example: training, coverage of another employee while they are absent, etc.
- Make sure your evaluation is truthful.
When writing the evaluation:
- List the critical element and then under it list the extras that you did.
- Use numbers and stats as much as possible
- List ALL of the elements and how you achieved them
- List other duties that you have done, assigned or not.
- List non-critical elements
- List community activities… This shows leadership abilities and responsibilities outside of work. It can be anything Example: community service, volunteering, etc.
- List anything that supports the KCVA mission.
- List anything that shows you take the extra initiative to help out with your department and help patients and employees of the KCVA.
- List all meetings/ groups and forums/ committees you are involved with. This shows time management, customer service and challenges you face while at work.
The self-evaluation is a tool to help you communicate with your supervisor and to tell them what all you have done over the year. At the end of your yearly evaluation, ask your supervisor for next year’s STANDARDS. This is extremely important in case they have changed, and it will give you a base for what to work on the next year. Per union contract, the Self-Assessments will be due no later than October 15, 2020
Your supervisor has to have been your supervisor for at least 90 days in order for them to evaluate you; however, if you switch supervisors during the year and have been supervised by your new/current supervisor less than 90 days, then a summary from the previous supervisor should be given to the new supervisor. This will prevent a delay in processing their end of year appraisal.
November 15th is the deadline for a supervisor to get the evaluation submitted to HR in order for them to approve any type of bonus. NOTE: At the time of this training (September 2017), HR has not received any notification there will be a bonus this year; therefore, employees should not expect a bonus.
If you do not agree with the results of your yearly evaluation, you are able to ask for a “2nd level review.” This review will be done by your 2nd line supervisor. This 2nd review will be due by December 15th.
Appraisal ratings:
OUTSTANDING - Achievement levels for all elements are designated as Exceptional.
EXCELLENT - Achievement levels for all critical elements are designated as Exceptional. Achievement levels for noncritical elements are designated as at least Fully Successful. Some, but not all, noncritical elements may be designated as Exceptional.
FULLY SUCCESSFUL - The achievement level for at least one critical element is designated as Fully Successful. Achievement levels for other critical and noncritical elements are designated as at least Fully Successful or higher.
MINIMALLY SATISFACTORY - Achievement levels for all critical elements are designated as at least Fully Successful. However, the achievement level(s) for one (or more) noncritical element(s) is (are) designated as Unacceptable.
UNACCEPTABLE - The achievement level(s) for one (or more) critical element(s) is (are) designated as Unacceptable.
Non-Critical Element 1: Change Management
Fully Successful:
Critical Element 2: Innovation and Creativity
Fully Successful:
Non-Critical Element 3: Professional Accountability
Fully Successful:
Non-Critical Element 4: Customer Service
Fully Successful:
Critical Element 5: Business Results
Fully Successful:
Title 5 and title 38 hybrid employees: (anyone that is not a pure title 38 employee, see below)
- The mid-year review should be done each year between April and June. Purpose? To make sure the employee is on the right track with their performance.
- Yearly self-evaluations are optional, although highly recommended and due to the supervisor this year by 10-15-19.
- Yearly reviews should be completed by your supervisor between 10-15-19 and the end of the year.
- WHY does the supervisor have to complete a yearly review?
- In order for you to get a step increase in pay, if you are due for a step increase in pay. HR Smart system will not give the step without competition of the evaluation.
- In order for you to possibly get a performance bonus. This is dependent on your evaluation rating, AND if the department has bonus money in the budget.
- In order for you to know what to work on the next year; (your goals). Also for you to know what you have done well, or need improvement on in your performance.
- How do I know if I received an evaluation last year? Log into your eOPF personnel record and see if it is there. See below.
- WHY does the supervisor have to complete a yearly review?
Pure Title 38 employees include: {Physicians, Dentists, Podiatrists, Optometrists, Nurses (RNs), Nurse Anesthetists}
- Annual proficiencies are due around the time of your anniversary date. The date the employee started working at the KCVA. The self-evaluation is due 60-90 days before this anniversary date.
- Use your functional statement and your standards to try and get to the next level. For example Nurse 1 can try and apply for nurse 2.
- See attachment; performance management systems VA handbook 5013/11
Where do I find my performance standards?
- You can ask your supervisor for your performance standards.
- You can find your performance standards in last years review paperwork (scanned into your personnel record)
- If your supervisor is unwilling to provide you with your performance standards, please give us a call 52040.
How do I log into my personnel record?
- Access eOPF at
- Click the 'Request Your eOPF ID' link on the eOPF login screen.
- Enter requested verification information and click Submit
- Date of Birth
- Last 5 of SSN
- Full Last Name
- (If Security Questions Established) Answer Security Question and click "Submit".
- A separate email titled “eOPF Login Request” will be sent to the email address listed on your account. Please check your inbox for the separate email.
- Click on the link “Click here to return to logon page”
- Click the 'Request New Password' link on the eOPF login