Internal Union Business

Internal Union Business refers to activities performed by any employee relating to the internal business of a labor organization.

This includes membership meetings, soliciting Union membership, collecting Union dues or assessments, campaigning for Union office, distributing or posting Union membership literature, notices, or authorization cards, and/or any activities pertaining to the internal management of the Union.

Internal Union business should be conducted during the non-work time of the bargaining unit employees involved. Official time will not be authorized for the performance of internal Union business.

Examples of membership meetings are Official Union Meetings, these meetings happen 4 times a year in March, June, September and December for local 910. Meetings are normally at 430pm or 5pm therefore outside of the normal tour of duty 8-430. Official Union meetings report on financial activity, committees, old business, new business, communications for the good of the local and LRM reporting.

Other types of membership meetings include meetings to discuss 9th district caucus, NVAC convention and National Elections.

Internal union business can only be performed in a non duty status. This status includes the employee lunch break.

Internal union business can be a discussion of the union budget, a financial report or anything that has to do with the spendings of the local.

Managers are not allowed to participate in internal union business. Managers should not attend internal union meetings regarding the management of a local.

Local 910 continues to have access to the off-site location of the Teamsters office at 4501 Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd, KC mo 64130. AFGE local 910 has their own computers, printers and internet access inside of the Kansas city Veterans hospital therefore allowing internal union business to be 100 percent separated from the KCVA electronic computer system. AFGE local 910 does pay for subscriptions such as Adobe, Aweber and Google to be able to access its members via home email, store important union business case files and documents and separate this type of documentation from the hospital storage system. AFGE Local 910 continues to safeguard its members' private information. AFGE local 910 takes pride in being a highly functioning organization and will protect its members' case files for the correct amount of time according to the AFGE constitution.